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A few examples to show the range and diversity of our applications:
Customer Database
Sales Order Processing
Stock Control and Re-ordering
Support Call Management
Product Database
Delivery Scheduling and Tracking
Time and Attendance
Barcode Printing and Reading
Hand-held Computers
Field Sales Force Management
Job Monitoring and Control
Factory Process Monitoring
Quality Control
Job Scheduling
Web-Site Design and Hosting
For a limited period we are offering to prepare the specification for you for a special price of £495 (exclusive of VAT and any travel expenses).
Our principal aim is to provide simple, focused and robust custom-built software solutions for small businesses for a minimal outlay. For most clients we generally concentrate on the core activities of the business operation, although we can do almost anything you want!
We always work to an agreed specification, so that you know what you’re getting, and we know what we’re providing.
We will work with you to agree a written specification. This will usually involve a fact-finding visit to your business premises followed by the off-site preparation of the written specification. It may also include the creation of a prototype program to demonstrate the principal elements of the application, where appropriate.
Once the specification has been prepared, we can give you a fixed price quotation for creating the whole application, together with a estimate of the likely timescale.
When you are happy with the specification and wish to proceed, we will create the software application offsite, but ensure that you are kept fully updated with the progress. When we are ready to deliver the software, we will set up an “acceptance trial” with you so that you can confirm that the software does all that it should. After any adjustments that may be necessary, we will install the software and train you staff in its use.
We would always recommend that you take out the Contact Support agreement.